Glatt, Z. (2023). The intimacy triple bind: Structural inequalities and relational labour in the influencer industry. European Journal of Cultural Studies, Special Issue on Freelance Feminism. PDF | Link***
Glatt, Z. (2022). ‘“We’re all told not to put our eggs in one basket”: Uncertainty, precarity and cross-platform labor in the online video influencer industry’. International Journal of Communication, 16(2022), 3853–3871. PDF | Link*
Banet-Weiser, S. and Glatt, Z. (2023). ‘”Stop Treating BLM like Coachella”: The Branding of Intersectionality’ in Nash, J and Pinto, S. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Intersectionalities. New York, USA: Routledge, pp. 499-511. PDF
Glatt, Z. (2022). ‘Precarity, discrimination and (in)visibility: An ethnography of “The Algorithm” in the influencer industry’ in Costa, E., Lange, P., Haynes, N. and Sinanan, J. (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. New York, USA: Routledge. PDF**
Glatt, Z. and Banet-Weiser, S. (2021). ‘Productive ambivalence, economies of visibility and the political potential of feminist YouTubers’ in Cunningham, S. and Craig, D. (eds.) Creator Culture: Studying the Social Media Entertainment Industry. New York, USA: NYU Press. PDF | Link
Glatt, Z. (2023). The Platformised Creative Worker: An ethnographic study of precarity and inequality in the London influencer industry (2017-2022) [Doctoral dissertation, London School of Economics and Political Science]. LSE Theses Online. Link****
Glatt, Z. (2019). Book review: Social Media Entertainment: The New Intersection of Hollywood and Silicon Valley by Stuart Cunningham and David Craig. New Media & Society. DOI: 1461444819877816. PDF | Link
Glatt, Z. (2019). Book review: (Not) Getting Paid to Do What You Love: Gender, Social Media, and Aspirational Work by Brooke Erin Duffy. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. DOI: 1354856519835129. PDF | Link
Glatt, Z. (TBC). Platforms for change? An analysis of platform initiatives to tackle inequalities.
Glatt, Z. (TBC). You don’t have to be a straight, white guy to work here, but it helps: Structural inequalities in the influencer industry.
Glatt, Z. (TBC). Becoming a YouTuber: Digital ethnography and methodological bricolage in the London influencer industry.
Glatt, Z. and Bishop, S. (TBC) A biography of emerging collective action organisations in the influencer industry.
* Used as evidence for the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) special inquiry into Influencer Culture
* Course reading for the following:
– PhD module ‘Platforms, Power & Precarity in the Creator Economy’ taught by Professor Brooke Erin Duffy, Cornell University
– BA module ‘The Promotional Industries: Convergence and the Digital’ taught by Dr Clea Bourne, Goldsmiths University
– BA module ‘The Future of Media Work’ taught by Dr Kat Higgins, Goldsmiths University
– BA module ‘Social Media and Critical Practice’ taught by Dr Tanya Kant, Sussex University
– MA Cultural and Creative Industries module ‘Researching Cultural and Creative Industries’ taught by Dr Ludmila Lupinacci, Sussex University
– BA Communications module ‘Communications in the Workplace’ taught by Dr Alexander Taylor, Exeter University
** Course reading for the following:
– PhD Media and Communications module ‘Digital Qualitative Research Methods’ taught by Dr Adrienne Shaw, Temple University
– BA Communications module ‘Communications in the Workplace’ taught by Dr Alexander Taylor, Exeter University
– PhD Communication module ‘Ethnography of the Digital’ taught by Dr Burcu Baykurt, University of Massachusetts Amherst
*** Course reading for the following:
– BA Media and Communications module ‘Digital Platforms: Critical & Cultural Analysis’ taught by Dr Ludmila Lupinacci, University of Leeds
– Department of Arts and Cultural Studies module ‘Cultural Histories of the Internet’ taught by Dr Katie MacKinnon & Dr Christoffer Bagger, University of Copenhagen
**** Course reading for the following:
– MSc Social Science of the Internet module ‘Digital Ethnography’ taught by Dr Robert Prey, Oxford Internet Institute

The Commodification of YouTube Vloggers
MA Digital Media Dissertation, Goldsmiths University 2017 PDF | Link
Abstract: Through a combination of political economy and radical mediation theory, this dissertation argues that current ‘YouTube Stars’ can be understood as a particularly virulent strain of ‘homo æconomicus’, who are produced and commodified through the techno-capitalist structures of the platform. YouTube culture has transformed since its inception in 2005 to increasingly become a conduit for commercial interests, and successful vloggers are nodes in this capitalist flow: absorbing, transforming and spreading the neoliberal political rationality of the platform. I analyse how mainstream vloggers are emerging through and are entangled with the neoliberal rationality of the complex commercial interests, structures and technological affordances of the platform. I conclude by considering the ethical ramifications of, and possible solutions to, the commodification of the self in YouTube vlogs.

French the Llama, I’m a Nerdfighter! Identity Formation and Collaboration in a YouTube Community
BA Social Anthropology Dissertation, SOAS University 2013 PDF | Link
Abstract: This independent study project is an exploration of the YouTube community ‘Nerdfighteria’, as an excellent example of the social potential of YouTube more generally. I have split my research into three parts. In chapter one I analyse how the concept of community works online, and specifically in Nerdfighteria. In chapter two I address the crucial role that collaboration plays in in the construction of community on YouTube. In chapter three I investigate the nature of interpersonal relationships in Nerdfighteria, with specific reference to the roles of ‘nerdiness’ and ‘fangirling’.